Celebrating Thirty Years Together
The issue is that I really, really, don't feel old enough to have been married for 30 years. I mean that number is reasonably inconceivable. Of course I am 54, so perfectly able to have been married for 30 years, but then the number 54 doesn't seem particularly real to me either. In those 30 years we've lived in 7 apartments and owned 2 houses, and been residents of 5 States (RI three different times including this one). We've made it through tough times -- the first 4 years of marriage when Jim was deployed for over 8 months during Desert Shield/Storm and away on the USS Wisconsin for about 2/3rds of the time and losing a child to stillbirth, but created and nurtured Emma together and celebrated so many more wonderful times.
The bottom line is I am incredibly Thankful that I found someone to share my life, who I love, and who is an anchor for me, as well as a great Dad to Emma. Love you Jim!