Mexico here I come and Easter in Athens

So, now that it looks like there won't be a Delta stike and I will be able to fly to Cancun I am getting excited about a few days of R & R at the beach south of Cancun with a bunch (21) of friends from my school days at St. Johns International School in Waterloo, Belgium. I saw some of them last October, but others I haven't seen since 1978 when we were all in 8th grade. We are staying at the El Dorado Adults only resort -- the photos on the web make it look fabulous so I hope it lives up to them. Here's one above. I've never been to Mexico or an all inclusive resort like this so it will be a new experience -- I know must people my age did this on Spring Break at one time or another, but I've always preferred cooler climates and am really going now to be with the people -- I confess though that I love swimming pools and having drinks by the beach -- I just hope it's not TOO hot. I was just outside here and it is really very hot in the sun with temps near 90. Much too hot for April 14 in North Georgia. In fact the temperature is two degrees COOLER in Cancun today than it is here.
The Holmes Family, Athens branch, has no special plans for Easter weekend. There's an Easter egg hunt at church and special music at church where Jim and I will be singing in the choir, but other than that no plans for anything other than a quiet weekend. Emma is going to parents night out tonight and Jim and I plan a dinner on our screened porch following by a viewing of our latest Netflix movie "Walk the Line." I'll be sure to let you all know what we thought. Jim and I are big fans of Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix so are looking forward to it.
That's it for this Friday -- time to get back to work.